How to take care of a newborn baby.

When a child comes into the world, there is a wave of joy among parents and relatives. From the first day of birth to 28 days, we call the child a newborn. Newborns require the most care because after their arrival, the light and air of the world are completely new environments for them. That is why we need to know how to adapt them to this new world environment and be aware of taking care of them. Let me tell you how to take care of a newborn baby, the way I took care of my newborn.


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    ★. Breastfeed soon after birth.

    Breastfeeding is very important soon after the baby is born. For the first 1-2 days, breast milk does not come much, so you should not be nervous. The baby’s mouth should be filled with milk repeatedly. Then the baby will suck more and more, and the milk will start coming out faster. Breast milk contains all the nutrients essential for a healthy baby, and its benefits cannot be overstated.

    ★.How to keep the body warm.

     After the baby is born, wrap them in a thick towel. It should not be too tight. Instead, wrap them in a cotton cloth. Avoid using any kind of silk or synthetic clothes. Keep the room temperature between 22-26 degrees Celsius. Do not increase the temperature in any way. Monitor the child’s body temperature carefully and ensure proper care.

    ★.How to take care of the umbilical cord.

     After the baby’s birth, tie the umbilical cord with a clip or thread. Once the cord is cut, use a disinfectant spray. Do not apply anything hot to the umbilical cord at home. Avoid using ointments or creams. Keep the umbilical cord dry and clean. Cockroaches may hide in the room and can cause wounds by attacking the baby’s umbilical cord at night. Exposing the umbilical cord to sunlight can help it dry quickly and fall off. Once it falls off, there is no need to apply anything. Keep it dry and clean.

    ★.How to take care of the skin.

    Avoid using various oils and lotions on the baby’s skin. Use only olive oil on the baby’s skin, but not every day; limit its use to three days a week. Sun exposure twice a day is beneficial for the baby’s skin. Morning and afternoon sunlight are best. Expose the baby’s body to sunlight for at least 45 minutes each time.

    Many neighbours and relatives may visit the house in the days following the birth of the child. However, it’s important to limit such visits because some visitors may have respiratory tract infections or skin infections, which can pose risks to newborns.”

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