If the child cries at night, how to stop crying?

We are not supposed to feel good when the baby cries. The worst thing is when the baby cries at night. Most babies cry at night. A very small number of babies do not cry at night, less than 2%. But there are certain types of crying; many babies cry so much that it bothers us a lot. When many people cry again, they stop crying after feeding them. Our children used to cry at night and sometimes still do. We will share with you the things we did to stop our children from crying when they cried at night.

★ When the child cries at night, we will tell you the procedures that we used to calm him down. We gently stroke his back and head with our hands. Hug the child and walk in the room humming. Walk around the room while hugging him and gently patting him on the back. Keep the baby on the chest and gently rock it. Keep walking and swinging. Any kind of loud music, musical instruments will become more annoying and cause more crying for him. Take him to a noise-free environment. Find a noise-free environment that will calm him down. You will also understand which environment is suitable for the child. As I found out when my baby cried. When the baby was crying, I used to direct his attention towards his favorite food, favorite games, favorite places. Show him his favorite toys again and again. You sing to him in a humming voice. Baby’s hands and feet can be gently pressed to comfort him.

★ If the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed, try to get him to drink them. He should give more time to his mother in this regard. The baby’s father should also give time for both parents to stop the baby’s crying with hugs and affection. Dress the baby in light cotton clothes. Don’t wear tight-fitting clothes. Change the diaper or change the clothes until the crying stops. Observe the temperature of the room. You can understand by yourself how comfortable the room temperature is. Keep in mind that babies need a lot of sleep. Do not have any kind of sleep problem.

★ Look at the baby’s hands and feet when he cries. Why did I ask the child to look at his hands and feet when he cries? The thing is, what I have seen is that when the baby cries at night, most of the time he clenches his fists and folds his legs and keeps them tight. By doing this, we can understand which part of his back/body is hurting. Then we put him on his back and back with warm cloths. Besides, I used to drink warm water with turmeric. He often cries due to gas in the stomach. As per the doctor’s advice, if any medicine was prescribed earlier, I would take it. It should be noted that children need a lot of sleep. Do not have any kind of sleep problem.

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